Our Aims
To improve the standard of care and outcomes for children who suffer from glaucoma.
To organise an annual meeting for delegates from around the world to meet and discuss complex cases, and to share experiences in managing children with glaucoma. To promote research and share research results in childhood glaucoma.
To promote international collaboration between members and with organisations involved in the care of children with glaucoma.
To provide training and support for our professional colleagues who take care of children with glaucoma.

UKPGS Committee Members
Professor Sir Peng Tee Khaw
Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon and Professor in Glaucoma and Ocular Healing
Moorfields Eye Hospital and UCL Institute of Ophthalmology, London, UK
Mr Joe Abbott
Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon
Birmingham Children's Hospital, Birmingham, UK
Mr Velota Sung
Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon
Birmingham and Midland Eye Centre, Birmingham, UK
Mr Patrick Watts
Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon
University Hospital of Wales, Cardiff, UK
Lady Peggy Khaw
Honorary Secretary
UCL Institute of Ophthalmology, London, UK
Mr John Brookes
Committee Member
Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon
Moorfields Eye Hospital, London, UK
Ms Alessandra Martins
Committee Member
Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon
Moorfields Eye Hospital, London, UK
Mr Kenneth Yau
Committee Member
Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon
Manchester Royal Eye Hospital, Manchester, UK
Ms Su Ling Young
Committee Member
Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon
Moorfields Eye Hospital, London, UK