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UKPGS Learning Centre 2021



Chairs: Dr Peter Ta Chen Chang, Miami, USA & Ms Cecelia Fenerty, Manchester, UK


16 - Microbial keratitis after cyclophotocoagulation in childhood glaucoma ABSTRACT

Dr Gorka Sesma, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

17 - Clinical profile and outcome of early surgery in neonatal-onset glaucoma presenting over a five-year period ABSTRACT

Prof Sushmita Kaushik, Chandigarh, India

18 - PRESERFLO augmented Baerveldt implantation – A new technique for managing a case of only eye end-stage paediatric secondary angle closure glaucoma in FEVR (V) ABSTRACT 

Ms Brigid Ning, London, UK

19 - Sturge-Weber glaucoma – A tale of three cities ABSTRACT

Dr Teresa C Chen, Boston, USA

20 - National registry for childhood glaucoma in Germany: Feasibility study, clinical care and research (pilot study) ABSTRACT

Dr Esther M Hoffmann, Mainz, Germany

Session 4 Chair moderated Panel Discussion

Panelists: Dr Teresa C Chen, Dr Esther M Hoffmann, Prof Sushmita Kaushik, Ms Brigid Ning, Dr Gorka Sesma

UKPGS 2021 Session 4

UKPGS 2021 Session 4
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Session 4 Panel
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Session 4 Panel

16 - Gorka Sesma - Microbial keratitis after cyclophotocoagulation in childhood glaucoma
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16 - Gorka Sesma - Microbial keratitis after cyclophotocoagulation in childhood glaucoma

17. Sushmita Kaushik - Clinical profile and outcome of early surgery in neonatal-onset glaucoma presenting over a        five-year period
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17. Sushmita Kaushik - Clinical profile and outcome of early surgery in neonatal-onset glaucoma presenting over a five-year period

18- Brigid Ning - PRESERFLO-augmented Baerveldt implantation – A new technique for managing a case of only eye end-stage paediatric secondary angle closure glaucoma in FEVR
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18- Brigid Ning - PRESERFLO-augmented Baerveldt implantation – A new technique for managing a case of only eye end-stage paediatric secondary angle closure glaucoma in FEVR

19 - Teresa Chen - Sturge-Weber glaucoma – A tale of three cities
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19 - Teresa Chen - Sturge-Weber glaucoma – A tale of three cities

20 - Esther Hoffmann - National registry for childhood glaucoma in Germany: Feasibility study, clinical care and research (pilot study)
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20 - Esther Hoffmann - National registry for childhood glaucoma in Germany: Feasibility study, clinical care and research (pilot study)

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